I've shed many a tear over this photo...
Not surprisingly, a lot of my sweet and savoury treats end up being rationed and taking short holidays in my freezer. Not too keen on a crap dinner after a late night at work, I often have some of my staple favourites (home-made soups, lasagne, etc.) on hand in individually packaged portions, ready for easy defrost and consumption.
Of course my freezer also hosts get-togethers with any number of cakes, muffins, and tarts. Seriously, considering how often I address the need to get my bake on - I need to freeze about 2/3s of it just to keep from not scarfing it all down my greedy gob. Plus, when I have friends over I can keep them well fed with an assortment of treats. So good, right?
So, low and behold when I got back from LB's wedding a week or so ago, and my freezer was making this incessant beeping noise (that would only stop if I turned the entire power switch off) I was slightly concerned for all my little tasty freezer friends. The next day, after a fair bit of manoeuvring I did manage to get the beeping noise to stop, but in it's place was a low guttural buzzing noise. Perhaps an improvement, but still - not good. Fast-forward 10 days and I've had to throw out some chicken soup that Mama made me when she was over for my surgery, 8 individually wrapped portions of meatloaf, home made pizza dough, chicken and vegetable stock, lemon bars, strawberry and rhubarb muffins, and some chocolate pecan tart. I had a few pieces of my olive oil cake left - I made sure to eat those before they went bad. It was a sad state of affairs - having to bin so many treats. I'd contemplated having an "it's the end of the freezer as we know it" party and divvying all the food out to friends - but since it had been on a steady downhill defrost for a few days I figured that I didn't want to also risk giving mes amis a batch of food poisoning as well. Again, so good of me right?
So here I am, naked (well - not me, my freezer) waiting for some incompetent man (I'm not being sexist, it really is a man) to come fix it for the second time this week. The first time he arrived during his "I'll be there at some point between 8 am and 1 pm" slot, and only stayed for 5 minutes. On his way out he said, "I don't have the correct parts - you need to make another appointment for next week."
I know in previous posts I've lamented the lack of customer service in the UK (or if I haven't I know I think about it almost daily) but what an UTTERLY USELESS WASTE OF TIME.
However, trying to stay positive, I'm hopeful that with the next visit it'll be up and running in no time. From there I'll be wiling away my days stock-piling once again - getting ready for whatever comes my way (a cold - chicken soup), (a late night - lasagne), (night before Armageddon - chocolate toffee tarts and coconut lemon cheesecake bars). You get the picture. |
1 comment:
oh noooooo. this is truly tragic. :-(
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