Sunday, 22 May 2011

I'm back...Relaxed, Blond, and Breathing

It's been a while. A long long while.  Legitimate excuses in no particular order:

1. Surprise surgery. Thinking that I was destined to have the permanent nickname of 'snotty' (we should all have such wonderful friends, thanks KC) - at the end of March I realised that my permanent sinus infection / cold / allergies were actually the result of some not so nice 'stuff' in my sinuses and nose.  We'll leave it there...presumably you are reading this blog because you enjoy eating...not the drama of my nose growths.

2. My sense of smell, or lack thereof (see item 1 above).  Now typically I have a nose of a bloodhound - I can smell someone eating chocolate in the front of a plane when I'm sat in the back next to the stinky toilet.

I had no concept of how bad my non existent sense of smell was until three days after my surgery.  In the shower I had a "HOLY SH!T" moment. My unscented shampoo I'd been using for nearly 2 months - smelled like a tropical coconut explosion.  Who knew? Clearly this lack of smell made my cooking desire wane a bit as well.

3. Resignation. Right before I found out I had to have surgery I resigned (after nearly 7 years) with Accenture.  I had a month of happy days, however filled with wrapping up work, planning surgery, and entertaining visitors.

4. A travelling food coma.  Yes, that's right people - I've been in a coma - unable to write for the past month because I've literally been eating and eating my way across the northeastern US and southern california.  Who eats a cupcake every day as a 'snack'? Yes, that's right - I did. I kid you not, I think I ate close to 15 cupcakes in a 2 week period.  Add to that a number of delights such as the Fenway Frank (and corresponding Bud Lights) amongst numerous other 'treats'. I am only now starting to emerge.

During my month-long coma I managed to grow a massive food baby.  She goes everywhere with me at the moment.  I'm hoping some nice London R&R and gym time sorts her out.  I'm looking for someone to adopt.  Nothing personal - but she's not the cutest - and is really annoying my jeans at the moment.

So folks - With the new nose, sense of smell, and new job - I'll be back cooking and baking ASAP.  Today has me liaising with some puckery lemon bars and chicken with a rhubarb and cherry sauce.  Will be back in the next few days to let you know how they turn out. Hopefully I'll manage to lose the food baby.  Any takers?

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