The Nickname. A source of tears, laughs, endearment and love, depending on the age, context and delivery. I've certainly had my fair share of good and bad. Some of best (and least) favourites?
- Spaz - as a small child by ever adoring (not) older siblings
- TTD (Too Tall Dana) - being 5'7'' when you're 11 and being your full height of 5'9'' by age 13 doesn't help
- Bunny Rabbit - Mom's term of endearment. She still uses it (which I love)
- Dane (no, there was no GREAT before it) / Daners - What all of my closest friends from Rochester / Accenture call me
- Candi / Cupcakes / Candi Cupcakes - My moniker since starting with the Discob*tches back in 2009. I'm pretty sure some of these friends don't actually know my real first name
- Princess - I've not yet decided if this is a term of endearment or a reflection on my affection for sparkly things. Either way, it works
There are many more of course. The traumatic bullying one from 6th grade (that's not getting posted here) and many more loving ones that shall remain tucked away in that special place that makes me smile.
But let's get to the point here shall we?
There was one that while short lived, is one of my all-time favourites. A combination of "bad ass" and silly.
I'd like to introduce you to..."WHISKEY MAMA"
Picture it, 1995-1996, I'm a wee innocent one attending her freshman year at the University of Rochester. Not having drunk in high-school, I jumped into the pastime with wanton abandon (note, I still made Dean's List both semesters...being a multitasking pro and all).
My vague recollections of the nickname revolve around a group of us girls hanging out in Goldfinger's dorm room and sitting in a circle taking shots of whiskey (listening to Dave Matthews, naturally). I have no recollection of what kind of whiskey it was, only that it was in a supersized plastic bottle and probably purchased at the likes of COSTCO with someone's fake ID (classy, right)?
Somehow in that instant, on that night, I was the ultimate (bad) whiskey drinker. While the rest of the group started mixing it with coke and/or making horrible "this shit is going to make me totally sick" comments, I kept going...shot after shot...and apparently proclaimed that I loved it. For whatever reason, that night, Whiskey Mama was born.
I started out this tale with the fact that the nickname was short lived because well - I'm pretty sure I didn't drink whiskey again for the rest of my time at Rochester (yes, the hangover was that bad). Thing is, even as a "proper grown up" I've never really liked it - even the fancy shmancy ones and/or whiskey cocktails never had much appeal. I mean, really - when I've attempted these in the past 10 years more or less I always thought I was drinking medicine and burning myself from the inside out.
No thank you very much, thank you no.
So it was with a bit of trepidation that I went to a 90 minute whiskey tasting class this week. I'm always a big fan of "events" for presents, so it wasn't too difficult when thinking of Christmas presents for M. He likes whiskey, I'd like to LIKE whiskey so why not? Off I booked two spots to a tasting event put on by Dramatic Whiskey. They do events all over the country but I booked us into one at the Liberty Lounge in the East End.
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The original meaning of "on the rocks" |
So how was it? Informative? Somewhat. Fun? Most definitely. All in all we tasted 6 different whiskeys, single and double malt, with peat (tasted like smoke and bandaids) and without (still burned but much more enjoyable).
At the beginning of the night I gave M the task of "remembering everything I actually like because I'm never going to remember." We haven't powwowed and discussed since then so I can't report back which I liked, but I can say that there were at least two that were quite tasty (even if they also burned going down - but sort of in a "being warmed by the fire cozykins" sort of way).
Do I think I'll be reviving the Whiskey Mama name anytime soon? Probably not. However, with a bit more practice at the whiskey drinking perhaps I could work towards "Whiskey Princess?"
I think it has a nice little ring to it, don't you?