I interrupt what you are all doing on this lovely Sunday evening to fill you in on a small 'oopsie' from this weekend.
In my insanity to try and balance a full-time job (‘full-time’ being 85+ hours including Sat and Sun last weekend), my dancing, blogging, cooking, baking, cake decorating course, scarf knitting, novel reading, bracelet making...I managed a rookie failure of hysterical proportions yesterday.
Last night was January’s GP event and as per usual I was baking up some tasty treats for the girls, the bears, miss greenwood, and all sorts of other cunning characters. It wasn't like most months when I’d a) planned ahead what I’d be baking b) hadn’t worked insane hours the previous week with little sleep and c) wasn’t feeling like a headless chicken trying to do everything. Saturday was a case of trying to get some chocolate chip cupcakes made whilst in the middle of sorting out costumes and our dance for the night, amongst other long-overdue activities (e.g. buying extension cords and dental floss).
The result? A lovely assortment of ‘tongue’ cupcakes!
'tongues' - a close relation (the bad ass cousin) to the chocolate chip cupcake |
You see my dear friends, in my attempt to get all of the cupcakes in the oven in one go (I had 2 trays and one 5 inch round spring-form pan), I jammed the spring-form pan in on the same shelf as my my silicone tray. I assumed it fit because with just a little shove everything got right in. It was tight, but the oven door closed easy-peasy.
Righty-o, now what I (clearly) didn't realise is that the last row of my silicone tray had been pressed and folded over into the back of the oven - resulting in these disastrously comical 'tongues'. Seeing as I still had the small cake and 20 perfectly baked cupcakes there were no tears or stress at the kitchen calamity.
In fact, after a few childish photos pretending to stick out our 'tongues' we just went ahead and ate them. After all, they were basically chocolate chip cookies.