Sunday, 31 October 2010

Munchen Birthday Festivities

Fräulein Dana: A Bern-stein with a Beer-stein
Snack Time

Birthday Lunch - A diverse selection of sausage, kraut, and creamy mash

Birthday 'Cake' - A Germanic version of funnel cake and apple sauce

Over the years my love affair with hops, malt, and barley has evolved. No longer my first go-to libation, my beer drinking is usually strategically placed along-side summer BBQs, travels abroad, or grad-school get-togethers in pubs older than most parts of the US.  While I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for things beer-tastic, I more often than not find myself reaching for the vino instead.  I’ve been pondering why and came up with a couple possible reasons.

1. Beer is way more calorific --> Reason disregarded because:

a. I’m not sure if this is even true and 
b. you can often find me eating fries or cake so why would beer be any different?

2. Beer isn’t as sophisticated --> Reason disregarded because: 

a. there are some AMAZING artisanal beers out there and 
b. it’s just a stupid idea…a girl who loves Ritz Crackers and peanut butter can’t really claim ‘sophistication’ at all times

Then I realized the REAL reason.

With refrigerators in the UK around the same size as those tiny ones we had in our college dorm rooms…to be a beer drinker would require me to sacrifice every other food item.  Not really ideal for a girl who loves to cook and has every inch of her fridge maxed out with perishables.  Wine on the other hand  - no refrigeration really required until it’s time to chill the bubbles.

However, the age old saying…’when in Rome’ never rang truer than when I was recently in Munich to a) celebrate my birthday b) wear traditional German garb...or as traditional as ebay can provide at 20GBP and c) swing beer, eat sausage and sing German songs at Oktoberfest. 

Stein after stein, song after song.  I was like a kid in a Bavarian candy store - which I imagine would also be full of beer, pretzels, sausage, and lederhosen.