Sunday, 6 December 2009

Essentially Nothing

The past 7 days have been some of the worst since I had Mono (Glandular Fever for you Brits) back in 2005. It’s also the first time I’ve needed to take sick off of work since then too. Told early in the week by the doctor that it was a chest infection I returned with additional symptoms on Thursday to be told that actually it might also be piggy flu. Even though I do have some residual symptoms I can finally see the end of the tunnel – and am finally starting to feel quasi-human again.

Needless to say my food consumption this week has been refined to the glories of water, tea, Lemsip, chicken stock, and a few other really fabulous items like Dioralyte.

So in an effort to find a bit of humour in a really not-so-funny are my top 4 reasons why it’s good to have the swine flu (I wanted a top 5 but for the life I can’t think of a 5th, so if anyone can shed some light – please do).

Top 4 Reasons it’s good to have swine flu:

1. Instant diet: Can’t think of any other way I would have lost 6 pounds in 6 days
2. Instant Money Saver: Lucky me (not) I had to cancel lots of fun plans – savings estimated at around £120
3. Lying in bed, in misery, staring at the ceiling is actually more exciting than my current project
4. To the inappropriate man who last Saturday thought it was acceptable to pull me off the stage and land one on me without so much as asking. SERVES YOU RIGHT. I called you a pig at the time. How apropros.