Contrary to my typical pats on the back (confidence not arrogance mind you) I had a recent humbling experience with some Halloween spook-tastic cupcakes I made. While they did fit the bill ‘theme-wise’ (the spiders were my favourite) they were really unappealing on the palette. I’m not sure if proper etiquette kept friends from saying as much but whereas typically there are fights over the last cakes and even crumbs – many of these sad little monsters got binned in the end. Unfortunate times, I know.
You see, where I went wrong is that I was trying to make fabulous autumnal – inspired cakes (spiced pumpkin with an orange cream cheese frosting) but also hoping to decorate them with brightly coloured sugar and sweets ala Halloween.
What I didn’t realise is that my skills in decorating (ok not the best YET) would actually distract me from actually tasting what I was making. I was so giddy to start decorating the cupcakes that in fact I wasn’t too fussed about what they tasted like – until later when I did.
I think the lesson learned is that for the most part grown-ups (and as much as I try not to put myself in this category, I am) don’t necessarily need their cakes decorated with lots of EXTRA sugar and sweets. That said, with any kids around I still think it’s a fun thing to do. Honestly, I had more fun cutting up those liquorice legs than I have for a while (sad state of affairs, I won’t disagree)! It was just so much fun to PLAY with my food. It’s severely underrated. I think my advice for next time though would to just stick with a basic tried and tested cupcake recipe.