I've always been fascinated by sibling relationships. Love them or hate them, our siblings form a distinct part of who we are. Being the youngest of four, the only-child phenomenon has always amazed me. What would it be like to always be the centre of attention and favorite? A question my 2 brothers and sister often ask me (winkwink).
While spending my formative years in a state of “I’m telling mom,” MCB’s recent visit reminded me that even though the distances may be great (3 continents), visits less frequent than trips to the dentist, and life’s paths as different as the intelligence levels of Paris Hilton and Albert Einstein, our siblings are part and parcel of who we are.
Now, the reality of this is that what you share with one sibling might be different from the others. In the case of MCB, straight away I was reminded of the passion we both have for all things food-related. Next to our family and friends it’s probably what we love most. This was completely encapsulated in his 35 year-old face when taking in Borough Market for the first time. Recognizing the look on his face as one I’ve had many times before, the sheer joy and aplomb at seeing London’s oldest food market was completely telling. I knew what I was seeing – pure delight and excitement and being surrounded by such gastronomic bliss.
Even though MCB’s stay was a mere 60 hours we managed to eat and drink our way through most of London. Some highlights:
1. Al Hamra, my favorite Lebanese restaurant in Shepherd’s Market. WARNING: The garlic will stay with you for at least 36 hours. Honest.
2. A slightly drunken whistle stop tour of Chinatown which involved Peking duck, soft shell crab and a bizarre dish consisting of pork and eel (this last one, not so much folks).
- Dana: (swooning): “Shall we get a little bit of cheese to snack on before dinner.”
- MCB: “Sure, how about a little bit of 3 different kinds”.
- Dana: (as the cheesemonger is slicing away): “Oh, no. Too much! Less, please."
- MCB: “Oh, it's fine. Let's get it all. I’ll eat it – don’t worry.”
For the record, MCB ate a teensy nibble of the cheese and left me (the cheese lover who’s trying to give it up) a fridge full of stinky and sticky glorious cheese. Somehow even as grown-ups he's managed to tease me unfairly. So what if now the taunts are with cheese?
4. Tamarind in Mayfair (rated 26 for food in Zagat) was our “big meal out.” It’s meant to be an outstanding upscale Indian restaurant. While our food was good, MCB and I decided that, quite simply, Indian’s not meant to be upscale. We would've been just as happy with a dirty curry that cost ¼ the price. It also didn’t help that neither one of us was particularly hungry from all the food we'd eaten at Borough Market earlier that day.
Truth? At the point we were heading to dinner I was still so full all I really wanted to do was stay in and not eat for another 2 days. Alas, when big brother is paying one can always find room for just a wee bit more...